Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Bonne Fete....

a moi! :)

27 years young today! and so many things coming to fruition!

Here's a birthday cake photo from two years ago.


We have a serious birthday cake tradition in this house - every year its something very special. This year I wasn't sure what I wanted until I remembered the 1th birthday photo of my Strawberry shortcake cake with sparklers for candles and me standing on a chair with blonde pigtails and red wellies!

I don't have red wellies anymore, or pigtails. I also don't have any more polaroid film (given that it went under etc and has just re-emerged thanks to the impossible project!)

I love this photo because a) I look very fresh and happy. I had just a little while before re-landed in Canada from my year in Corsica. and b) our kitchen looks so 50s. Even the microwave looks like it's from the 50s.

1 comment:

leah said...

quelle photo! trop jolie! bonne fete :)