In my langor of this unemployed summer I am wishing for a few things:
- Ice cream and Creamier: two monographs on curating featuring international curators who choose emerging artists. Phaidon never lets me down.
Rotterdam Dialouges: The Critics, the curators, the artists. Newly published and based on three symposia held at Witte de with in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, this book brings together what happened at these three symposia. mmmmmmmm.
- While in Toronto with Angie last week we walked into a splendidly delicious bike shop on Bloor St and in the window was an Abici purple cruiser . Yes purple. Yes Italian. and One day when I have a job and can afford to drop 900 big ones on a bicycle (yikes!) it shall be my new wheels. Until then, we stay steady with the trusty steed Rashleigh Peugeot. Let's not be too Bike Snobby though, Peugeot are nothing to sniff at.
Anyway, check out this cool blog.
and then... swoooooooooooooooon!
- Becoming a ludite (I like to think i'm becoming a ludite with my use of typewriters and analog cameras etc) means that you really like retro/vintage type technologies. And thus I have become obsessed with the vinyl record. My mom already has a pretty awesome collection of jazz, as well as classical, my kind of thing. I'm working on the contemporary collection. Thus to add to my collection next will be Blue by Joni Mitchell and The Goldberg Variations by J.S. Bach (possibly my favourite composer of all time) performed by the infamous Glenn Gould. I do now have in my possession (sort of) (thanks to my mom) a master works collection of Bach performed by Glenn Gould as well as the Well Tempered Clavier. This will make for some good listening in my st-urbain pad in downtown MTL.
- taking this course might help make my dreams of speaking German come true. This has been a dream unsuccessfully pursued as of yet, due to my lack of immersion in the German language. I don't know who really thinks learning a language is easy, becuase I certainly don't. I worked my butt off to get to where I am in French now, that means constant everyday working on it, and then some. even night time working, and in my dreams working on it.
- to help with this German learning wish would be to do another one of my wishes, to work at a gallery in Vienna. oh yes. Vienna is my dream city. I love it and I want to be there. So perhaps I can find an internship opportunity at a gallery such as this .
Photography, art + german + vienna = maeva very happy!
- I might settle for an intership in London, UK as well, or even MTL. But I think Europe next summer might be all but essentail.
Thus concludes my wish list. for the moment.
2 days ago
what a wonderful wish list!
some day can we PLEASE go record/typewriter/retro-shopping?
little known leah-fact: I LOVE GERMAN. and my german is infinitely better than my french. and so i say a heartfelt JA to your learning of this beautiful language! :D
I love German too Leah! It's a life long dreammmmmm. But all I've ever mastered are the usuals (hello goodbye etc) and buying butter and eggs and talking about bad weather!
and YES to retro record/typewriter/shopping!!! Actually value villages in Quebec have a stock pile of typewriters. my friend angie got an olivetti (!!) in robin's egg blue (!!!) for $7!!!!!!!
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