1) the good was my decision that I would look really classy in White linen pants, black knit top and funky punk girl shoes from Top Shop in NYC for my job interview. I probably did.
2) the bad was my not so great decision of wearing the white linen pants strapped around my shins with MEC straps that kept falling down on my bicycle.. which of course incured... BICYCLE GREASE MARKS. ... Maëva, my God, get a brain!
3) the good was the invite to have pizza with boy who rides Magenta Miele tomorrow chez lui, and i suggested beer to celebrate summer's of unemployment, among other things.
4) the bad was OSAP headaches incured by the unreasonable amount of democratic paperwork that is required for someone who wants to study outside of the province.
5) the good was the nap I just took after tea, reading some of the paper and eating ginger snaps on the couch.
and last but not least:
6) the anarchy was riding my bike the wrong way on one-way streets. yessssssssss!
2 days ago
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