In between baking, and feeding cats, I've been finding interesting things on the intraweb.
The Bruce High Quality Foundation and École du Magasin Programme professionelle aux practiques curatorials found via VoCA or View on Canadian Art, my favourite online art blog about the Canadian art scene (though it can be somewhat 'Toronto' biased I have to say.)
The Bruce High Quality Foundation is a group dedicated to the preservation of the legacy of Bruce High Quality, a social sculptor. Their main mission as stated on their website is "to invest the experience of public space with wonder, to resurrect art history from the bowels of despair, and to impregnate the institutions of art with the joy of man’s desiring". I think I art could use that once and a while, and the institution in particular.
The École du Magasin is in Grenoble, France (I do have a soft spot for France...) and the Programme Professionelle aux practiques curatoriales purpose is to give academic instruction that offers new perspectives on theories and practices of other cultures, within the curatorial sphere, and to engage the participants of the programme in the professional field. the program is 10 months long and I think I might die and go to heaven if I was ever able to participate in such a thing!
They even have a list of other schools that offer similar programs such as the École superieure des arts visuel in Geneva (... Switzerland!), Curatorial training program de Appel in Amsterdam and oh oh course several in New York city and San Fran. ...
One step at a time.
Here is an art quarterly from Texas: Art Lies and I know some of you may be skeptical of that place down south called Texas but it is a happening open minded place (in many respects) and particularly in the arts.
From Leah and then re-found today by accident Places for writers in particular their list of literary journals that accept submissions.
I also googled "art magazines list" and got this wiki page, which is of course not complete since C magazine, esse and Border Crossings are not on there, just to name three, but there are many there that I had never heard of (which is what I wanted).
MAEVE magazine which my lovely friend Beth told me about, is a little and very new online publication. It's not critical but it's sweet, and there were some really beautiful and touching articles in the new issue. I also found some great things via MAEVE (hehe!) which will now follow:
* Operation Beautiful is a project reaching out to the women of the world to spread the word that we are beautiful. It's not a new discussion but an ongoing one that will likely never cease. We are force fed how we should look and most of the time we don't fit right into that niche and therefore do not feel beautiful. Operation Beautiful has an open call for participation of women everywhere to spread the word. And I think I'm going to do it. What a great project to get involved in. Because we are beautiful, but sometimes it's hard to say and think and feel it, so why not help each other out.
*Smock is a stationary company that is totally organic. They print on paper made of bamboo, one of the most ecological and sustainable materials around, and even their packaging is environmentally friendly, made from post-consumer recycled polyester which they state is one of the easiest plastics to recycle. I like the jelly fish cards.
*They had a few blogs about girls who make and post pretty things, which I like. Ashley Meaders makes stuff, and much of it is cute. I really like some of the decorations she's invented for weddings, although I don't like that they are related directly to weddings. But I do like the little hand made touches that endow her pieces. There was also Simply Hue, which has great photos and cute collections of things. However, there is a soundtrack of terrible music that plays when you open it, which I'm not a big fan of. And some of it's a little too cutsey for me. But easy on the eyes.
Lastly Beth inspired me with many new links and pretty things:
* San Francisco Bay Area girl who likes bohemian living style - what's not to like about that?
* {frolic!} = all the things that will one day fill my house. (but why the exclamation point in the title? bad taste in punctuation.)
* tartlette , who posts hawt photos of hawt recipes. I'm still totally partial (always) to 101 cookbooks , but I dig this chick and her eats too.
2 days ago
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